Hawaii Rush

Virginia Rush


Advanced (U9-U18)


The Virginia Rush Advanced program (Rec plus) offers soccer programming for age groups U9 through U18 boys and girls. The Advanced program is offered to players who seek a level of play between recreational and competitive. Teams are formed through an open onsite player placement process. Teams, coached by a volunteer coaching staff, are formed in June remain together for one year (fall and spring seasons). Players and teams can be added in the spring season through the Spring player placement process depending upon roster space. New teams can be added in the spring. The primary focus of the Advanced program is to offer age-appropriate training and games in the Tidewater Advanced Soccer League (TASL). TASL offers competition at all levels of recreational youth soccer for boys and girls. Participation in TASL is extended to all clubs affiliated with the United States Soccer Federation (US Soccer) in the Hampton Roads area.

The Advanced program groups children according to the US Youth Soccer (USYS) age group structure and TASL guidelines. Players U9-U12, participate in “small-sided” games, which enables players to have more active participation and time on the ball. Players U13-U18 participate in the 11v11 game format, which allows these players to receive the most realistic view of the game. 

United States Soccer Federation Age Chart 2024-2025 (Single age birth year)

2016 (U9) 2015 (U10) 2014 (U11) 2013 (U12) 2012 (U13) 2011 (U14) 2010 (U15) 2009 (U16) 2008 (U17) 2007 (U18) 2006 (U19)

Interested in playing in the Advanced program?

Contact Liam Deady at ldeady@varush.com

Limited space is available


Liam Deady

Advanced Program Administrator


Spring Dates March 8th, 15th*, 22nd, 29th / April 5th, 12th, 26th / May 4th and 11th

Rain make-up days are scheduled for the Sundays of March 23rd / April 13th, 27th / May 4th and 11th

*The 15th may be added as a game date for certain teams in the league.

Note: The TASL Board holds the right to change game schedules. Virginia Rush does not have ownership of game schedules.

SPRING 2025 TASL SCHEDULES Field Allocation Forms Spring '25

New Paragraph

  • FAQ?

    What can I expect to get out of the Advanced program? 

    The Virginia Rush Advanced program is a cornerstone of our program offerings. Advanced program is intended to build on the passion for the sport cultivated in a true recreation setting and expand our players’ development with a higher level of competition. Furthermore, our Advanced program is team-centric, in that teams are founded based on connection and relationships as well as average soccer skill. Some teams stay together from u9 through U19. The experience provided in our Advanced program is one Virginia Rush is most proud of; a positive environment in which we aim to develop our coaches and our players simultaneously as they progress forward in the game.

    Where do we pland where do we practice? Where are our Home fields? Where do we travel to?

    Advanced teams travel to opponents they are matched against in their division; typically no greater than a 1 hour 30 minute radius to Virginia Beach. Home games are played at Hampton Roads Soccer Complex (HRSC).  Away games are played against other clubs that participate in TASL.

    Practice fields are allocated by the City of Virginia Beach. We also have locations for HRSC and Virginia Beach Sportsplex.

    When is our season? When are practices? When are games played?

    There is a Fall (September to November) 8 week season and Spring (March-May) 8 week season. Games are played on Saturdays; with rain make-ups on Sundays.

    Practices are held throughout the week typically twice a week and practice locations are determined by a Volunteer coach.

    What is the player placement/registration process for the Advanced Program?

    The Advanced placements take place in early June for Fall Seasons. Typically, new teams are formed in age groups at this tryout. Our teams are sustained through Supplemental tryouts at various times.  Supplemental tryouts are based on the following criteria 1) roster spots available on current teams and 2) being evaluated as Advanced caliber.  We also host a supplemental tryout during the summer and during the winter. Advanced teams are not organized geographically.

    • Tidewater Advanced Soccer League (TASL) fees
    • Insurance/registration fee 
    • Administrative costs
    • Coaching Education
    • Facility usage fees
    • Field Maintenance fees
    • Risk Management and Coaches background checks
    • Club Website Hosting & Development Fees
    • Club Operating Expenses (insurance, online registration, additional club overhead)
    • Administrative Staff Salaries
    • Professional Fees (CPA, etc.)

      **Program fees do not include**

    • Rush Capelli Uniform items
    • Optional off-season programs (futsal, summer training, etc.)
    • Personal Travel Expenses
    • Tournament entry fees and expenses

U9-U10 2016-2015 Boys & Girls U11-U12 2014-2013 Boys & Girls U13-U14 2012-2011 Boys & Girls U15+ 2010-2005 Boys & Girls
$320 $340 $360 $370
Full year (Fall 2024-Spring 2025) Full year (Fall 2024-Spring 2025) Full year (Fall 2024-Spring 2025) Full year (Fall 2024-Spring 2025)
$235 $245 $255 $260
Spring '25 Registrants Spring '25 Registrants Spring '25 Registrants Spring '25 Registrants
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